Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Perfection and imperfection is only in your thought. As long as thought is controlling your life, there will be opposites – perfect and imperfect, good and bad, right and wrong. Thought itself is divisive in nature. The structure of thought is to compare. Without comparison, there cannot be any thought at all. Your mind is unable to let go off thought. Thought and mind is one and same, and thought is only memory and if you study the nature of memory, you will find that it is not only association but comparison also is involved. It always postulates the opposites. So in thought the trouble is that the opposites always exist. Only when you transcend thought will you be able to experience everything as it is. Then you use thought when necessary. Otherwise there is no thought. When thought is not required there is no division and hence there is no conflict. There is just direct perception. Then everything is fine as it is.

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