Sunday, October 17, 2010


Physical suffering + Psychological suffering + Spiritual suffering = Constant

Psychological pain often leads to physical pain. This is a beautiful thing created by the nature, that pain gets shared into three levels. When there is two much suffering in psychological level it moves into physical or spiritual level. Let us try to understand how this phenomenon works.
Physical suffering
We are all familiar with this suffering, not only health problem but any kind of survival problems comes under this category. Suffering brought by drought, earthquake and all other natural calamities falls under this suffering.
Psychological suffering
This is a mental suffering say you need clothes and you don’t have but when you have cloth but you want Armani brand and is in pain for not having it, it becomes psychological suffering. When we miss some body who is very dear to us, its also pshycological suffering. 80% of pshycological suffering is self created. By understanding the nature of mind, how it operates and how it always seeks security, we can come out of it.
Spiritual suffering
Spritual suffering occuers to only evolved soul. Lord Buddha explained it with a beautiful example; imagine you are travelling in a beautiful chariot made of gold and the side view is spellbounding but the problem is that the wheels of the chariot are square, just imagine how the journey will be! Similarly with the people going through this kind of suffering have every kind of worldy possession and comforts that any body can aspire for but they feel a kind of aloofness. Buddha termed is as Dukkha. Buddha said that he can split a single hair into thousand but cannot explain this suffering. This peculiar kind of suffering does not falls within the field of logical understanding. The very existence ( of individual self ) becomes painful it is also called existential nausea.
Now let us see how it works say the ratio of each suffering is: psychological suffering + 50, physical suffering +50 and spiritual suffering + 50, total 150, now if psychological suffering becomes too much say 70 and others say 30 and 50 the it will be transferred to other levels . eg : A person falls in love but the girl betrayed, the psychological suffering becomes too much, he hurts himself thus psychological suffering transferred into physical suffering.
For example for asthma patient, its often the psychological pain which triggers asthma attacks. But for enlightened people this shifting of suffering between different levels does not take place, eg : Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was in supreme bliss inspite of cancer. As they are evoved being they experience everything as they come. It is for us that suffering is constant as it gets shared into different levels but for enlightened being they don’t have any personal suffering but they experience only humanity’s suffering.
Spiritual suffering underlines all our so called suffering and experiences it is the tiger as Bhagavan says. But we are afraid of facing the tiger, we want to escape. This culture is all about how to escape the mother of all suffering that is the spiritual suffering. Spiritual suffering is caused by the illusion of separate entity, the mind that isolates us from totality of things and gives us the feeling that we are individual entity. The only solution for spiritual suffering is Mukti.
( Shri Bhagavan's teaching delivered by Acharya Shri Vimalkirti )

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