Friday, October 29, 2010

6 games of ego

Ego is nothing but survival tricks of ‘ self ‘, what is self or “ I “, it is mind, it is nothing but association of memory which continue to survive in the form of fear; fear of something coming to an end. I t knows in a way that it does not exist , that it is disintegrating , so it tries to protect itself, defend itself and ego is its self – defensive mechanism, self – protective instrument.
6 common ways of its operation are:
1. I am right.
2. You are wrong.
3. Try to dominate others.
4. Refuse to get dominated.
5. Covering up.
6. Putting guilt into others.
Ego can calculate in a fraction of second as how to function in a particular situation, sometime we become silent, some time we accepts what others says but actually it does not accepts but it is just a egoistic settlement.
We always try to becoming something; from non – spiritual to spiritual, from jealous to non – jealous, from selfish to selfless… in this process of becoming ego survives, this process of becoming is ego, it is pious ego. We feel great about ourselves to think that we are spiritual, religious, philanthropic . These are all modified forms of ego. If we could see how we are functioning, how our mind is operating and how this guilt game is in operation, ego becomes silent, acceptance puts an end to this game.( From the teachings of Shri Bhagavan )

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