Here Bhagavan is not talking about biological parents, but all those who has influenced us and are influencing ( psychologically ), it can be our parents, teacher, friends, any leader, books, propaganda, anything. If we contemplate we will notice that all our likes and dislikes, all our opinions are conditioned and influenced. Those who has influenced us has died but their traits are still living through us, ideals are living through us. Ideas has a life ( if I may use that word ) of its own, it survives through us, it foster itself through us, make use of us for its survival. Bhagavan is asking freedom from such conditioning.
But can be free our self from conditioning? Certainly not, we will end up being conditioned in another way. The best way is to observe how this conditioning is working through us. Even to be aware and to observe needs grace. Amma Bhagavan is our supreme friend who is helping us to accelerate this grace through various process.
( FOR DETAILS CONTACT www.onenessuniversity.org )
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