Friday, October 29, 2010

The name or title of this blog is Ekatvam, Oneness but what does it really means. As far as I am concern it does not have any spiritual connotations in the sense we use the word spiritual. The latin word ‘spirit ‘ means breath; life. Life is energy which has no frotiers, which has no boundaries. It is not an alternative way of living to become something.
The gist of Shri Bhagavan’s philosophy if I may use that term can be sum up in four lines;
Your thoughts are not your thoughts
Your mind is not your mind
Your body is not your body
Your self is only a concept.
So it brings into picture a very fundamental question; is there any such thing as individual mind, self, is there any such thing as individual entity there? If we could even grasp this intellectually we will realize that there is no such thing as individual there so the very demand to be an individual is baseless. This society or culture is created on the basis of this notion of individual entity, and society is interested in making all of us an individual. So we are stuck with this peculiar situation that there is no individual and yet we are trying to be an individual. And that is the root cause of all problems, psychological, physical, financial, individual and global. Any action that is born out of this self – consciousness is violent, any action that is born to protect and sustain this false, illusory entity is perversive action.
Your thoughts are not your thoughts , Your mind is not your mind:
Is there any such thing as individual thought? Certainly not. What is thought afterall – it is memory, say we have been told that it is sky and it is blue, so every time we look at the sky we recognize it as sky and it is blue. Thought is memory and thinking or mind is association of memory, next time if we see anything as blue we remember it as blue. So built up of memory is mind, mind, psyche, consciousness all memory. How we can become conscious of something, only when we recognize it, the memory has to come into operation to recognize something. But memory is something which is not self generated, we are not born with memory but it is cultural input. Our parents, education system has cultivated memory in us. There is only what we can call racial memory which has been passed on to us from generation to generation. We use this racial memory to experience this world around us. So we can conclude that there is no such thing as individual mind or thought.
Your body is not your body :
Body does not have any separate existence of its own. It is a chemical process and the whole of nature is involved in this process. As Shri Bhagavan says “ Nothing comes into existence nothing goes out of existence…”. Actually body is not born, it has no beginning and no end, it is just an endless process of reshuffling of atoms. As a matter of fact , nothing has come into existence, “ all things are conditionally co – produced and consequently all things are empty “. Nothing has its own individual existence, everything is connected. For example a tree can we separate it from soil, or can it survive without water or sunlight? Certainly not. What is the process of photosynthesis –it is turning the raw inputs from sunlight, air and water into something on which plats can survive. So how can we separate the tree from the totality of nature. Same way this body is also dependent on oxygen, it takes in oxygen and heart pumps it through out the body. We take in foods the process of digestion transform it into bloods, so what we eat say a potato has become blood. So everything is in flux, there is no way we can separate each other and built up an independent existence of anything. This body is electro magnetic field, any projecting this duality is thought.thing that is happening around is affecting it physically. The earth, the sun, the moon and lunar eclipses, everything is affecting this body. The nature is one single unit, there is no dual existence there. What is
Your self is a concept:
Is it not so, when this self, this I, this feeling of separate existence arises – with thought and it ceases with thought. Thought is what we call I, there is no Individual there independent of thought. So what we call I is a concept. Every time a perception ( association of memory ) is born it is born. Sy we look at the sky, the eyes are not telling it is sky but the neuron tracks are being activated and the memory comes in that it is sky. So what is there is lokking but when thought comes in, it creates the observer and the observed.

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