Saturday, October 16, 2010

Inner integrity.

Q : Bhagavan apart from these teachings and sadhanas what is your message in this path of mukti?
Bhagavan : See basically my teaching is this; Though you have been taught some sadhanas and given some teachings as far as mukti is concerned , no sadhanas and no teachings can take you to mukti. That is why I insist that ultimately all sadhanas and all teachings must be dumped into waste paper busket. They just not help you when mukti is concerned. They can prepare you for it…..Any teachings for that matter will not take you to mukti. No technique or sadhana can give you enlightenment. At best what can happen is, there can be a temptation to get mukti and some clarity. I always maintain that any teaching will fall under two categories, viz psychology and philosophy.
They will at best help to bring about transformation within the mind; that’s all.It is like we can arrange the furniture in the room but they will still remain. So we can do some kind of decoration inside. We can bring some kind of happiness, get over some problems, adjust and readjust…….. sadhanas can take you deeper and deeper into your consciousness but going deeper into your consciousness is not mukti. Rearranging your mental structure and framework, having improved relationship, better success in the world…all this is not mukti. Mukti is to be completely free of the mind itself. That no teachings and no technique can give you. It is because it is not a meditative process, it is not a psychological process, it is is not a philosophical process. It is neurobiological phenomenon. Fundamental changes must occur in your physical brain. That is why I tell you do not follow any teachings, then you become a second hand human being. If you try to follow Jesus Christ you will follow a second hand human being. Jesus Christ could love the whole of mankind , can you love like him? Jesus Christ says Love thy neighbor as thy self, you cant do it. He can do it because his brain is wired differently. Ramakrishna can be jumping in ecstacy and dancing away. Unless your kundalini is awakened you cant do that. If you try to copy Ramakrishna you become a second hand human being. His brain wiring is different. Ramana can ask who am I , if you ask you will go mad and end up in mental asylum. You develop conflict within your self, you are something, you want to be something else.; a Christ, a Aurobindo, a Ramana…… what not! You can read all the books you will not move an inch. May be you feel nice ‘ ah ‘ I am doing this sadhana you feel more secured. But it will not take you to mukti, it can often induce conflict. You can anly be yourself, how can you be something else? You cannot become, that is the illusion from which you must become free. So what I am telling is whatever you are just accept that, when you accept that there is no conflict.
All psychological pain when you fully experience that pain becomes joy. Not by trying to escape from that, if you try to escape from that you are merely putting it under the carpet. After sometimes it starts stinking. That’s what most people are doing, they never confront their pain. Some body dies in your family, you lose job or some other problem, you don’t experience that pain . You run away from that pain by through movies, going to friend’s house, games or by doing some puja…That is what called sorrow management. It is good upto a certain point but certainly it will not rid you of the pain. What you must learn is how to confront that pain. What I am telling is like this, suppose tiger enters this room, most of you would climb up the fan and hang on there. What I am telling is that hanging from the fan is the real pain, the tiger is here and weare hanging on there. I am telling to come down from the fan and let the tiger eat you. I f you are eaten the pain is gone. Allow the pain the pain is the tiger. See what happens it will become joy. Suppose there is intense jealousy in you, that jealousy is the pain, you know how pain ful it is, so instead of saying I will try to be non jealous..kind..loving all this is humbug you are you, you have jealousy, hatred, violence….thats why I say Ravana never died, he is fully existing in you, you are only dignified Veerappan. I am not telling you to be this or that. No, be what you are. Discover who you are like Ramana, who am I, but his discovery was something else, you will discover that you are Ravana! All the useless things are there inside you. That will be your discovery. That doesn’t take much time but you don’t like that, you would like to have nice image about yourself, it’s all nicely covered up. If you dig you will see only rubbish, so confront that rubbish. It is there than accept that, how can you run away from it? It’s painful no doubt, experience that pain. Then lo and behold, suddenly you will discover joy. Where there is joy there is no doshas. A happy man cannot cause pain to others.
Unhappy people spread misery. If people are happy they cannot do anything wrong, it is unhappy people who become criminals and antisocial. True happiness comes from seeing thet truth about yourself, when you confront yourself. You are always telling I am afraid of that person I am afraid of this person, that’s not true you are basically afraid of yourself! If you loose fear of yourself you will loose fesr of every body including Veerappan! If Buddha were there, he can simply go and talk to Veerappan, like he spoke to Angulimaal because he has no fear. You are afraid of yourself, you don’t love yourself. On the other hand you are telling I must become fearless , I must love others, you don’t love yourself that is the situation.
So you go inide yourself and you will discover How terrible you are. So accept thatOnce you start accepting you start loving yourself and then you will find there is tremendous joy. It is very natural and easy to go deep into yourself, discover, accept and love yourself and convert suffering into joy.
To postpone is yet another trick of mind for its continued security.

To postpone is the height of hypocrisy

To postpone is to deny freedom forever. ( to postpone seeing who actually you are )

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