Saturday, October 30, 2010

"ascharya-vat pasyati kascid enamascharya-vad vadati tathaiva chanyahascharya-vac chainam anyah srnotisrutvapy enam veda na chaiva kascit"
Some look on the soul as amazing, some describe him as amazing, and some hear of him as amazing, while others, even after hearing about him, cannot understand him at all

"avyakto ’yam acintyo ’yamavikaryo ’yam ucyatetasmad evam viditvainamnanusocitum arhasi"
knew the limitations of human consciousness to gauge the true nature of the inner soul. So in the Bhagwat Gita it concurs that no one can exactly know what a soul is. Someone looks at It with great surprise, another speaks about It with great surprise, some another hears about It with incredulity and yet another after hearing about It knows it not

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