Friday, October 15, 2010

LAWS OF KARMA ( first law )

You become what you believe
Examine your life carefully and you will see that there is correlation between your belief and happenings in your life.Unfortunately our beliefs cannot be arbitory determined by us. The difficulty however is to really have the belief and no amount of trying helps. Our beliefs are constrained by our vasanas that have entered us at the time of our birth, the traumatic events of our childhood and our karma.

Our karma concists of our thoughts, words and deeds of this life as well as the karma of our family, community, nation and even humanity. The awareness of this law of karma will show us how helpless we are in shapping our destiny.

There is no substantial entity who does the deed,

neither substantial who experience the fruit.

Like parts of a complex scenario

the karma and vasanas alone roll on,

in the collective memory bank of existence.

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