Friday, October 15, 2010

LAW OF KARMA ( third law )

You find only what you seek
Again as in the case of first two laws the best ways to understand this law is to examine our life. We should note that intent is far more powerful than desire which operates only in the surface level of our consciousness and rarely bear any karmic fruits. If we examine our life closely we will se how our own nwgetive seeking due to childhood hurts and traumas are acting in our consciousness and creating negetive situations.

The laws of karma is specially relevant to the discovery of God. Our self which is generally centred in our surface consciousness is seeking psychological survival by the persuit of fleeting desires and is influenced by fear, gilt, lust and anger. This is our conditioned self. Obviously it is out of syncronism with life and strays mostly in past or future with the help of mind. I t seeks to understand life through conceptual frameworks but it cannot seek God. If however we become aware of how this thinking mechanism which is actually not your thoughts but of whole mankind acting through us, helps us to be free from the clutches of thoughts. Though for such an awareness grace is required.

You suffer because you are no longer relate to Me...if only you shall relate to me and feel helpless in your suffering and seek My help, I shall liberate you now and here.

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