As I have discussed that that all our experience is coloured by existential suffering, at that level there is no such thing as individual suffering. Bhagavan says existence is suffering, existence means a sense of an individual entity. That is the basis of human suffering It is very important to understand the illusoriness of ‘ self ‘, for a spiritual breakthrough to take place, so Bhagavan is moving from individual suffering to that of collective suffering. Why do we suffer ( other than physical problem )? If we contemplate we will see that all our suffering is centred around that illusion of separate existence. So the root cause of all suffering is the ‘ self ‘, whether one is Indian or American, rich or poor, no body or a very impoetant person, if there is suffering means there is self at play.
Suffering is nothing but a thought, and thought is memory we built around it a tremendous image, romanticize it, colour it, as it gives us the sense of existence, that ‘ I ‘ am very much there. So fundamentally it is sence of separate existence that causes us all to suffer, apparently it may seem that all our suffering is is unique but not so. If there is no thought there will be no suffering. As there is no such thing as your thoughts and my thoughts, there cannot be your sorrow and mine. Suffering depends on thoughts and thoughts depends on situation, it is not permanent but dependent, it comes and goes. If there is no self consciousness ther cannot be any suffering.
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