This was when Sri Bhagavan felt deeply for the immense suffering that is caused by this sense of separation and resolved to find a way to annihilate this illusion in all its forms. His vision to end suffering was not sourced in an intellectual understanding, but more an actual experience of humanity’s suffering and thus became the singular focus of his existence. It was around this time when Sri Bhagavan was three years old that a bright golden ball appeared before him and an esoteric Sanskrit mantra kept resonating within him all day, even while asleep. This process of chanting the mantra continued incessantly for the next 24 years, day and night, during which Sri Bhagavan felt his divine consciousness concentrated with all his passion for awakening humanity into Oneness moving into the Golden Ball. Such was the nature of the intense penance Sri Bhagavan undertook as preparation for the Oneness phenomenon, which is today transforming the lives of innumerable individuals by the minute! While this intense process made Sri Bhagavan very silent and deeply absorbed in meditation throughout his childhood, it also manifested as supreme wisdom, compassion, and powerful teachings that have the potential to liberate the seeker. His extreme passion to end human suffering enabled him to look deeper and deeper into the reality of all human existence, only to see how helplessly humanity is driven by the mind and its fears and how all of this is ultimately neurobiological in nature. With every passing day, Sri Bhagavan only perceived with greater clarity that humanity cannot make it to total liberation on its own; it has to result only from a benediction.
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