Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tat - twam - asi

Anandagiri Ji : Bhagavan, what is the upanishadic statement ‘Tattwamasi’ mean, who is the experience behind every experience?
Bhagavan : The greatest contribution of India is that the experiencer, the experience and the experience is one and the same.It is an illusion to see the division of the experiencer as separate from the object of experience and the act of experiencing. Once you are enlightened you will see that it is the mind that is creating this trifurcation.You will see that the observer , the observed and the process of observation are all one and the same. There is nobody who is observing the tree what exists is merely the experience of the tree. There is nobody who is looking at the tree, you are inseparable from the experience of the tree . That is why we say Tat – twam – asi or thou art that.How ever this does not belong to the realm of the mind.

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