Does digestion system needs any guidance from us to function? Heart beats on its own without any interference from us.Similarly all other organs functions automatically without being helped by what we call “ Me”, “I” . So how can we say that this body is “mine” when everything is natural, automatic. We may have certain choice of food and may over it but the body is intelligence enough to reject what is not needed by it in the form of excreta, even that excretory process is also automatic. We may dislike something and resist ourselves from looking at it but brain records it and reflects as dream. Everything is automatic. So we play a very nominal role in the functioning of the body.
There is no such thing as individual body; body is a chemical process and the whole nature is involved in it. We need oxygen that comes from plants or nature , heart pumps the oxygen throughout the body . So how can we separate the body from the whole of the nature and create and independent entity as “My body”. The whole nature is a process and body is a part of it, is not the body made up of same elements that the soil made up of with variations in the percentage of element that is presents in both. As Shri Bhagavan says “ We are moving clay endowed with intelligence.” Even UG.Krishnamurti said that body is reshuffled form of atoms and death is reshuffling of atoms. So the whole nature is one process and there is no dual existence there.
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