Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nothing comes into existence.......

“ Nothing comes and nothing goes out of existence and consequently all existence is co – produced and consequently all things are empty….” – Sri Bhagavan.
Bhagavan in this sutra is speaking about the ultimate Oneness. That no such thing as observer and observed exists. What causes this duality is mind. Everything is connected and co-exists, there is no separate existence of anything.
Let us try to understand this profound sutra of Sri Bhagavan in the light of Upanishad . Mandukya Upanishad speaks about ajativad, nothing whatsoever is born. Like in dreams, the creatures that the seer of the dream observes as existing in all ten directions is merely objects of perception or projections of mind to the consciousness of the experiencer of dream,there is no existence of those objects independent of his consciousness. Similarly objects of perception of the man in waking state also has no independent existence of its own, separate or independent of his consciousness, since they are perceived through the consciousness , just like the creatures perceived through the consciousness by the man in dream.
As in dream the consciousness vibrates as though have duality, so in the waking state the consciousness vibrates as though having dual facets.

This Diwali let us pray to our beloved Amma - Bhagavan to awaken us in that atate of abosolute oneness.

Asato ma sat gamaya

Tamaso ma jyotirga maya

Mrityur ma amritanga maya

Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi...

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