Saturday, November 6, 2010


The "Oneness Blessing" is a transfer of energy thats sole purpose is to allow the receiver to experience oneness.The purpose of the Oneness Blessing is to help people move into a higher state of consciousness. The ultimate goal being that the individual should experience oneness with god/universe all of the time. [However, if one has an intention for something in their life that is desired or needed the Oneness Blessing will take on that intention as well.] The Oneness Blessing is secular, and its purpose is to transform man kind into a higher state of consciousness. People of all cultures, religions and countries are welcome to try this energy transmission. People are encouraged to connect with the divine in the aspect of their choice while receiving the transmission (christ, buddha, allah, yahweh, universal consciousness or just light). It doesnt matter what one chooses to believe in. The Oneness Blessing does not descriminate. People have reported being more connected to their own religion or the divine both during and after the blessing. in fact some people feel the presence and/or see and hear the divine speak to them from there heart. Many devout Christians have seen the face of Jesus and felt his presence in their heart during the blessing, while other have reported seeing paul the apostle. There are many like experiences, however this is not the purpose of the blessing. The main purpose of the oneness blessing is to move people into a higher state of consciousness and give people the ability to pass this on to others.
For details -

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