Monday, July 14, 2014


Chakra Dhyana is one of the most powerful sadhanas. It ensures a quick growth of the practitioner and take him to a very serene and tranquil state of existence. Its a simple combination of mantra, yantra, asana and pranayama. It helps to awaken kundalini and activate the chakras or the energy centers. Each chakra has its own charecteristic features; its own symbols, deities, vija mantra ( Follow the pictures below )
There are seven chakras: Mooladhara, Swadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajneya, Sahasrara.
Vij mantras :
 Mooladhara - Lang
Swadhistana - Vang
Manipura - Rang 
Anahata - Yang
Vishuddhi - Hang
Ajneya - AUM
Sahasrara - O Gum Satyam Aum

Sit in a comfortable position. sukha asana or padma asana. Close your eyes and sit erect. Place your thumb with index finger. Visualize symbols of particular chakra at the specific region of the body and chant the vija mantra. One can repeat the vija mantra for 5, 7 or even 21 times. At the end chant Kundalini arohanam visualising a golden fluid flooding the chakra turning it into golden in colour. Do the same with all the chakras. Once completed lye down into savasana.

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