Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Mr Modi, your RSS was a 'collaborator' of the British.

I was listening to Modi’s speech today where he tried to draw some reference to The Freedom Struggle. The people of this country would like to know which movements were launched by the RSS before 1947 ( RSS was founded in 1925, Hindu Mahasabha in 1909 ) to free India from the clutches of British imperialism? Who amongst its leaders and cadres suffered repression under colonial rule? Who amongst them went to jail or became martyrs for the cause of the freedom of the country? History is not his forte, or else he would never said ( in his 2014 election speech ) Taxila is in Bihar or Syamaprasad Mukherjee use to discuss with Vivekananda (Vivekanada left the mortal world in 1902 and S.P Mukherjee was born in 1901) but there is another reason behind his efforts to appropriate National Heroes. Modi finds it embarrassing that the RSS — to which he as well as the overwhelming majority of the cadre of the BJP belong — was not a part of the freedom movement. Modi lacks the courage and honesty to categorically state that RSS did not participate in the freedom struggle. That’s why Modi is in search of a genealogy that will connect it to the nationalist movement that won India its freedom.
Mr Modi mentioned about Bhagat Singh and Savarkar today in his rather theatrical speech. Modi and his ilk must be reminded that Bhagat Singh had nothing to do with RSS and was firmly against the communal politics. In fact Bhagat Singh was an atheist and as a secretary of Naujawan Bharat Sabha he openly opposed the suggestion that youth belonging to religious, communal organizations be permitted to become the member of the organization. Two of the six rules drafted by Naujawan Bharat Sabha were: To have nothing to do with communal bodies or other parties with communal ideas. To create the spirit of general toleration among the public considering religion as a matter of personal belief of man and to act upon it fully. When Lajpat Rai joined Hindu Mahasabha, Bhagat Singh launched a ideological campaign against him. He refered Lajpat Rai as a "Lost Leader". In fact, a later sarsanghchalak, B.R. Deoras, wrote approvingly of how “Dr Hedgewar saved him and others from the path of Bhagat Singh and his comrades.”
Coming to Vinayak Damodar Savarkar . He was moved to the Cellular Jail in the Andaman. Savarkar wrote numerous mercy petitions till his release from jail begging British Government to ease his hardship and promising to be a “ Loyal son” and I quote “ The Mighty alone can afford to be merciful and therefore where else can the prodigal son return but to the parental doors of the Government...” He promised to collaborate with British raj I am ready to serve the Government in any capacity they like, for as my conversion is conscientious so I hope my future conduct would be.” ( read full mercy petitons here : )

In a more shocking development, the Hindu Mahasabha decided to help the British rulers in World War II. It was the time when Subhash Chandra Bose, was organizing the INA (Azad Hind Fauj) in a military campaign to force the British out. The extent to which the Hindu Mahasabha was willing to help the British masters is clear from the following directive issued by Savarkar as President of the Mahasabha:“So far as India’s defence is concerned, Hindudom must ally unhesitatingly, in a spirit of responsive co-operation, with the war effort of the Indian government in so far as it is consistent with the Hindu interests, by joining the Army, Navy and the Aerial forces in as large a number as possible and by securing an entry into all ordnance, ammunition and war craft factories…. Again it must be noted that Japan’s entry into the war has exposed us directly and immediately to the attack by Britain’s enemies. Consequently, whether we like it or not, we shall have to defend our own hearth and home against the ravages of the war and this can only be done by intensifying the government’s war effort to defend India. Hindu Mahasabhaites must, therefore, rouse Hindus especially in the provinces of Bengal and Assam as effectively as possible to enter the military forces of all arms without losing a single minute.”

Syama Prasad Mookerjee , a prominent icon for the RSS/BJP brigade, following the Hindu Mahasabha directive to co-operate with the British, assured the British masters through a letter dated July 26, 1942. Shockingly, it read: “Let me now refer to the situation that may be created in the province as a result of any widespread movement launched by the Congress. Anybody, who during the war, plans to stir up mass feeling, resulting internal disturbances or insecurity, must be resisted by any Government that may function for the time being” “ ... Indian have to trust the British, not for the sake for Britain, not for any advantage that the British might gain, but for the maintenance of the defense and freedom of the province itself.”

RSS did not hoist the national flag at its headquarters for 52 years ( they hoisted from 2002 ). The RSS mouthpiece Organiser, in its issue dated 17 July 1947 demanded, in an editorial titled "National Flag" that the Bhagwa Dhwaj (Saffron Flag) be adopted as the National Flag of India. After the Tricolor was adopted as the National Flag of India by the Constitution of India on 22 July 1947, the RSS mouthpiece Organiser viciously attacked the Tricolor and denigrated its being chosen as the National Flag of India. The 14 August 1947 issue of the Organiser, in an article titled "Mystery behind the Bhagwa Dhwaj", stated “ The people who have come to power by the kick of fate may give in our hands the Tricolor but it never be respected and owned by Hindus.The word three is in itself an evil, and a flag having three colours will certainly produce a very bad psychological effect and is injurious to a country" ( )

They were against our national anthem Jana Gana Mana, even accused Tagore that he wrote the anthem in praise of George V. In 1948, the RSS was banned by Sarder Patel for its alleged role in the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. When its leaders approached the then home minister Sardar Patel for revoking the ban, he put forward several conditions. One of them: the RSS accept the Tricolor as the national flag and the national anthem.

Atal Behari Vajpayee’s role in the 1942 movement : Interestingly their Bharat Ratna also played a dubious role in The Quit India Movement. It was discovered that Vajpayee actually made a confessional statement disassociating himself from the protest event at his hometown Bateshwar. In this confessional he wrote: “Ten or 12 persons were in the forest office. I was at a distance of 100 yards. I did not render any assistance in demolishing the government building. Thereafter, we went to our respective homes.” ( )
So when I listen to the PM manipulating facts it infuriates me to the core It does not behove the Prime Minister to lower the dignity of his office by making a statement which is factually incorrect and an insult to the freedom fighters, to Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, Bhagat Singh, Netaji and thousands of others who made manifold sacrifices during India's national struggle.

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