Monday, December 27, 2010


My endless prostrations at the lotus feet of my beloved Bhagavan. Bhagavan's sutra's are like seeds that grows with time and reveal its meaning in its true profoundity with time. Intelect alone cannot help us to grasp the true meaning of these sutras, along with subtlety to assimilate the teachings we need to have a sort of vacant mind to receive grace so that we could really understand the sutras.
One of the most profound sutra of Shri Bhagavan is that ALL LEARING IS TO UNLEARN. When we learn something new we unlearn something old, but if we are stuck with the past knowledge we cannot move forward. Most of the time our prejudice becomes a hinderance to unlearn something that we know, we not only become possesive of our mundane possesions but also about our knowledge. Actually our ego survives through our knowledge or we can say what we call " I " is the knowledge, not that there is some entity that is accumulating knowledge but what is there is this accumulation of knowledge and end of these knowledge is end of " I ", so we dare not to let go what we know. If doubt arises in your mind about what Bhagavan is suggesting about unlearning is in accordance to our traditional scriptures or not I would like you to remind the Upanishadic doctrine of Neti Neti or negetion. What is that eternal knowledge we dont know and cannot be known by any means of conceptual knowledge what we can do is to negetate all conceptual knowledge and what remains is that pure knowledge, that can never be the part of our conscious existence.

Can knowledge be of any use to experience the reality of anything? Certainly not even the so called day to day experiences that we have taken for granted as something substantial is questionable. The tool we use to experience anything, namely mind is itself an illusion, so it cannot be of any help to understand any thing, to experience anything and what is mind afterall its flow of knowledge which is memory. What we experince through that is projection of our memory or thought or kowledge. Say as a baby we have been told that this is a computer from there after whenever we look at it we say its computer...............there is no way of directly experiencing it at all. If that knowledge ( the word computer, words and thoughts are same ) is absent then there is no way these physical eyes can seperate itself from what it is looking at. That is why Bhagavan says the experiencer and the experienced are same that the mind is creating this trifurcation of experiencer, experienced and the process of experiencing. When we unlearn the knowledge we have or let go the memory our sensory experiencing becomes extraordinory but can we unlearn by ourselves certainly not since what we call " I " is that movement of knowledge.........we need grace for such a thing to happen.

Let us pray to our beloved Shri Amma Bhagavan to bestow upon us that grace of Liberation.....Liberation from knowledge.

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