Sunday, November 20, 2011

No one can cause me to suffer like wise no one can free me of my suffering

There are two ways in which people can share a relationship. One is, they are conflict free they have found peace within themselves, they are happy people, they have discovered love in them, and from that place of love, from that place of joy they actually relate. All these higher state of consciousness- joy, love bring about connectedness.
The other way of relationship, which you can see in many cases, which is the usual conflicted relationship, where you are relating because you want to run away from the conflict. There is discomfort within, there is lack of peace within and you are struggling with so many things within you and the only way to evade this is to somehow seek out another and expect them to heal or expect them to be kind to you, to share love with you so that in their company you can forget your conflicts. This relationship will be turbulent, at times you deeply feel loved, you feel deeply accepted, but eventually your inner conflict will take over.
What can liberate you, is the process of self awareness, when you start paying attention to your emotions to your thoughts, specifically in moments of emotional disturbances  or insecurity, if instead of projecting out from those conflicted state, instead of blaming somebody for that conflicted state, if you were to move your attention inwards and really starts asking yourself - what is this emotion all about, why am I so conflicted? What am I really thinking? If you start paying attention you will discover a lot about what you are internally. We all know what we are externally but we may not so totally know what we are internally. And if there is a huge divide between our external personality and internal reality that itself is going to be the cause of conflict because you are something inside and something outside. When there is awareness, there is merging of these two sides of the individual. Your external world is aligning with your internal world therefore conflict ceases.
The foremost realization one has to have not only in relationship but in life is that, people or external situations could provide you with comfort but they really cannot create happiness or love within you. Happiness or love is always personal discovery. The characteristic feature of a relationship that is from a conflicted place is that there is a lot of expectations for love from the other. And why do we really expect love from the other – because we some how believe that the other has the responsibility of liberating me of my suffering which is a huge responsibility and no one can really take this responsibility.
Every individual has to be personally responsible for their own happiness. No one or no situation can cause you to suffer. When we are talking of suffering we don’t mean external suffering for which people can be responsible but we are talking of internal suffering. How are you emotionally responding, what are you feeling in those moments of emotional crises.
No one can cause me to suffer like wise no one can free me of my suffering. If it is an external challenge yes all of us can come together and can solve it but if it is an internal state which I have created due to wrong application of thoughts how can somebody come and bail me out. It’s only my awareness that can set me free and that is the spiritual process and that is the spiritual journey. It starts with the realization that your happiness is in your hands and you can set your self free whenever you choose to.

Friday, April 15, 2011

4 Personalities

The first thing to understand is that there is no person inside us, only personalities. We may have a lot of personalities inside us, but to have a clear vision we must have atleast four strong personalities. These four personalities are, the king personality, warrior personality, the magician personality, and the mink personality. The king is that which is clear headed and decisive. The warrior personalities is that which is never tired of fighting. The magician thinks everything is possible. The monk personality is one who leads a simple, austere life and is completely detached from any situation. The youth must deliberately practice these personalities and cultivate them and apply them to different situations to their lives. As they keep on applying them something very strange happens. They'll get almost like a movie, a full vision of their life and what is the best thing to do and what you will love to do. Th econnections will happen very naturally and they will also know how to go aboput it. And things will fall into places. That is how the youth must discover their vision. _ Shri Bhagavan

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

External Integrity

The external integritty is very poerful tool that must be used very carefully. It is not merely speaking of the truth, but it is speaking of the truth without any sense of fear. Now it may not be possible to do always, in that case we would not advise to follow external truth. But if and when used, it is a remarkably powerful tool, but quite dangerous also if you are not prepare for it.
For example, I often tell when you are not enlightened , do not behave like one. When you are not a Mahatma Gandhi, do not behave like one. I often say when Gandhi faced the British bullets. it never really hit Him And then I say if somebody behave like Gandhi the first bullet would hit him. Because your very fear will attract the bullet to hit you. One should not behave like you have courage and strenth when one does not really have them.

To give an example in India someone came to our courses and learnt about external integrity. But he forget the strategic warning that we gave that you should not practise that unless you have the courage to take it on. And not merely speaking of the facts, but of the inner cycle. You must come from what you have discovered on the inside and speak it out. Now this gentleman went to his boss's office and told him " Boss I dont like you." The boss said "Fine". "Look you are a crook." The Boss said, "Then Get lost". The man said, "I know all corrupt things you have done. The boss said, "Please stop it" . The man added "I have also been also corrupt. I am also corrupt." The Boss dismissed him from his job on the spot.

The man questioned a dasa about the teaching. What kind of teachings are you giving? I thought there was power in it, and I lost my job. We gave him correction. It has to come from inside and, and if you have the courage, then you must speak it. Truth is a concept to you.

You can only lift the weight that you can handle. You must not lift beyond your capacity. To what extent you can be truthful without being hurt.

Ther must be a deep inner conviction when practised, it is amazingly powerful, because the mind stops day dreaming. All the time playing with concepts, constructing emotions, constructing thoughts, onstructing feelings. It's a machine that just cannot be quiet. Its all the time building up things. A lot of things you'll find is actually build up by mind. There is no truth to it, not fact in it. When practised external integrity this mechanism slows down and the mind becomes very very quite. Only if you have the strength you must practise external integrity otherwise you must not practise it.

- Shri Bhagavan.

Inner Integrity

Inner integrity is a tool to see what is happening inside us.It does not judge, it does not condemn, it does not offer explainations. I t is merely seeing what is going on. As you go inside, you'll discover that there are terrible things inside you, there is fear, there is lust, there is anger, there is jealousy, there is envy, there is no love, there is no connectedness. You'll see a lot of terrible things. You may not like what you see but then, you must continue to see what is there. Then you will discover that what is there is not only in you, but in every human mind. Not only in human mind, but it has always been so ever since man came on the planet. You will then discover that these are aspects of human mind. It has been so for milleniums. The mind has not changed. The brain has not dramatically changed for few milleniums. fear is there, Desire is there, anger is there, jealousy is there, love is not there, etc. Objects has changed but structure has not changed. Mn have been fear of tiger earlier and now fear of stock market. You'll then discover that there is no change possible. When the immpossibility of change strikes you, your mind falls silent. Without effort, without energy, you'll find very naturally there is acceptence, followed by love and very soon it is followed by presence. If you follow external integrity also it will be very powerful, but also very dangerous, so I dont advise you to do unless you have the strength to do it. - Shri Bhagavan